Saturday, October 22, 2022

I didn't get gypped.

 It took longer then usual for the effects of the covid booster to appear. I actually wondered if I'd just been given saline or something because for hours and hours I felt no reaction. I actually got a batch of Ebay stuff ready to list, including messing around with a bunch of Peltier coolers that needed a lot of handling that took hours while I watched videos. When I was done with those, I felt like ... I might be having a reaction after all. 

Then it was on. Aches and chills and fever (I guess) and pains just all over the place. I had to take some aspirin to be able to get to sleep, and as soon as I woke up took some aspirin again. Now it's mostly done and I just feel a bit of a headache and blah in general. So I didn't get gypped, haha, didn't just get saline or something.

So that was my Saturday, and this is why I'd timed things the way I did, because it interferes the least with work. 24 hours of some discomfort, that's no problem. 

I can't believe how much busking has died off, not just in real life (functionally extinct here in San Jose) but even online. Somehow, in a time where "handcrafted" things are very popular and you can't call yourself a proper restaurant or coffee shop if you don't have hand-written menus and hand-painted signs, and hand-stitched (by underpaid children or half-blind oldsters overseas of course) things sell for premium prices, "handmade" music just isn't out there. 

I'm not sure whether this is a shortage on the production or the consumption end. Maybe no one wants to get out there these days, or maybe when they do, they don't make very much any more. 

I wonder if this is related to the sort of "great leveling" that happened in music in general, after internet use became widespread. There are sites like "Soundcloud" and "Bandcamp" and so on, where supposedly you can put your music on and get paid somehow, but from what I understand, hardly anyone's getting paid by these services. But they might be short-circuiting the careers of a lot of people who'd otherwise try their luck out on the sidewalk, which takes a lot of guts to start doing. They try out going on one of these sites instead, post some music, make nothing or close to it, have "gotten it out of their system", then go and do something else. 

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