Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Trying to change back to day mode

 Last night I tried to get to sleep by midnight which meant 1, which meant I actually went to sleep a bit past 2AM. 

I woke up around 10, packed 17 small things, and left for the post office around noon. There was just a slight sprinkle going on. I dropped off the post office stuff no problem, then came back to H Mart and dropped off one small FedEx package and went inside to spend money - on a cucumber and a split grilled mackerel. 

I stopped by Tom's on the way back and caught up on things; he still doesn't have his truck back. It started to sprinkle just a little bit more, and I said "I'd better get going" and as soon as I was across the street it started actually raining so I got a bit wet just coming back here from Tom's. It proceeded to rain pretty hard once I was back inside, and it got really wet out there.

I got back and hung my damp clothes up in the loft, and settled down to eat the fish. I didn't think I'd be able to eat it all but I was - burp! I kind of zoned out for a while then realized I'd better check the weather. 70% chance of rain tomorrow and I realized I had time to pack the big things I had left and make a run to FedEx. It had dried out by now.

So I did that - another 17 things but a bunch of them were all in one box for one buyer. I took off with those at 6, and traffic was really backed up along Brokaw. The train signal between Oakland Road and Coyote Creek was going off, and traffic was *really* backed up. But, on my bike,  I could just walk it under the gate and since there was no train in sight, I did. 

I dropped the boxes off and got a chocolate bar in H Mart with the dimes, nickels, and pennies I wanted to get rid of. On the way back, the train signal was still going off and traffic still backed up but that was no problem for me. 

I picked up a surprising amount of packing stuff for a rainy day. I even picked up a few interesting things from the HVAC place, and got back in here. 

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January 9th was gone too

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