Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Personal or Poverty finance?

 Nothing much else to complain about right now so I only offer the observation that I'm halfway between Reddit's subs of r/personalfinance and r/povertyfinance. I'm not scraping bottom like the poverty crowd (much less a Syrian refugee who's just posted) but not as well-off as the personal finance crowd because I didn't start game-ifying saving early enough in life. 

So I'm adding r/personalfinance to the subs I read. 

I got out of here with 12 packages all for the post office, and found a couple nice boxes on the way back, along with one of those red tubs cheap coffee comes in, and a package of Romaine lettuce so I'll get my fiber for the day. 

The medical dumpster had the aftermath of a breakup, probably, in it. Plus a skinny zombie with the usual Mad Max bike and trailer shaped objects. This thing had laid claim to the entire contents and as there wasn't any foam or good boxes I didn't get anything. I picked out an ugly purse with a baggie of jewelry in it and said to the zombie, "Can't I just have this? My boss's wife is really into costume jewelery..." and the zombie snatched it out of my hand "No! It's all my stuff!". 

So it came down to, either fight the zombie or move on. I'm all for shooting zombies (and their zombie dogs) for sport, but unfortunately there are still laws where zombies are legally considered human. So  I can't just go back over and take care of the problem. I comforted myself in knowing that in 10 years I'll be fine and the zombie will still be feeding their drug habit and digging in dumpsters, but really, in 10 years the zombie will be dead for the final time. Good riddance! 


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