Sunday, September 18, 2022


 I stayed up a bit past midnight last night, mostly because I wanted to stay awake until the rain came in, but it didn't come so I went to bed. I woke up at 7:30 this morning. 

It was wet outside although it was just little sprinkles that came and went until the sun when down and then it became more of a steady soaking rain. 

I follow r/flute on Craig's List these days and someone asked a question I might have, of how to keep the flute from moving around/rotating while playing. The "Rockstro" hold was discussed and that brought back memories. The single most helpful internet resource I've found is a lady named Jennifer Cluff, and she has the only diagram of how to use the "Rockstro" flute hold. It was described by a fellow named Rockstro, back in the late 1800s. 

All it comes down to is, when you assemble the flute, you align not the center of the headjoint hole with the center of the keys, but you align the edge of said hold that's away from you, with the center of the keys. I'm glad I found this again, because I remember having this problem and also reading a lot of Jennifer Cluff material and I dimly remember coming across this and I guess assembling my flute this way because I remember having zero problems and being out busking for hours without problems. 

I read books today, finishing "The Good War" by Studs Terkel and reading "Jailbird" by Kurt Vonnegut. "The Good War" is an amazing book. One guy interviewed was paid by the US to pamper and pal around with Klaus Barbie, who, along with other high level Nazis, was supported by the US. "We", the US, wanted to know all they'd found out about the USSR. 

Another thing that stood out to me was the idea of "premature anti fascists" which comes up from several interviewees. Being anti fascist was cool when the war was one, but if you were anti fascist before then, you were really considered suspect. Like if you'd gone to fight in the Spanish Civil War, like Ernest Hemingway did.

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