Tuesday, November 23, 2021

People love dead Hawaiians too

 205th day sober. I was up until past 6AM but besides getting 10 books listed on Ebay I got some practice in. I sound kind of awful due to 2 months off but I went back and tried the exercises I was last doing in the Rubank book and they're easy-peasy now. I tried the Israel national anthem, a thing that gave me trouble a couple of years ago, and it's super easy now. 

In fact, to expect to have made tons of progress over the two months or so I was busking is pretty unrealistic. I actually made decent progress and while the time I took off was kind of long, maybe I needed it. I think this "wedge breathing" thing is going to turn out to be very useful. 

Getting back to the book "People Love Dead Jews" the same thing can be said 100% for Hawaiians back in Hawaii. Everyone loves to romanticize about the long-past kingdom, but actual, live, Hawaiians with actual real-world problems are very inconvenient. 

It seems everyone's making money on the Hawaiians but the Hawaiians. I think if I were Hawaiian, I'd want to try to set up something where there's a sort of trademark on "Hawaiian" kind of the way "Champagne" is, and that somehow money is made from this, and the money goes to help actual Hawaiian people. 

I slept in until 3 or so in the afternoon, and Ken called and said he'd come by to move things around, so I finished my coffee etc. and got busy packing things for a post office and FedEx run, as our lateness number right now is 4% and I hate that - it should be about 1/4%. I helped Ken move some things too, then he gave me some money to get him some onion ring crackers and "Sky Flakes" at H Mart. 

So I really shopped it up at H Mart, and when I got back here Ken was gone. I called him and he'll be back by tomorrow to ... move more things. I told him my plan is to get my booster shot tomorrow. 

I had some dinner and sorted out some things to list, and finished the load of laundry I was working on, and since it's so cold up in the loft, even with a fan blowing on it, the laundry may not be dry by tomorrow afternoon. So, in reality, I may or may not go get my booster tomorrow. I could try doing it on Friday instead.

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