Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Hey Arnold!

 Up at 4:30 Out of here at just a nip before 6 with all the packages I'd packed last night. I'd done a practice also. 

The deliveries went w/o a hitch, and I got a friendly wave from Arnold, the security guard who guards the Telemundo building - I'd made friends with him a week or so ago, regarding a crazy homeless guy. I'd passed the homeless guy who was dressed all in green for some reason and tussling with a shopping cart. "Did it lock up on you?" I asked as I went by. "I'm all fucked up!" he said. 

75 yards down the road, Arnold called out to me, "Did you see a crazy homeless guy?" and I pulled in and we talked, I related that the guy had just said he's fucked up, so drunk or what I didn't know. The guy had been acting really crazy before I came along, though, according to Arnold. I asked me to "rate" my contact with the homeless guy and I said I'd rate it as neutral. Then we talked a bit; he sees me go up and down the street so I was familiar to him. So now we wave when we see each other. 

I got some fairly decent packing materials but no veggies this time. Once I was back here and put things basically away, I cooked up some eggs with diced jalapeno peppers, cheese on top, and some Tapatio hot sauce. Then other than diddling around on Ebay, I cleaned the bathroom and vacuumed the office. Ken has a way of surprising me by showing up on Tuesday when I expect him on a Wednesday. So my new plan is to make the place nice on Tuesday, and if he shows up on Wednesday, it's still going to be pretty nice and clean. 

While I waited for Ken to come by or not, I got out things I need to ship and got all but a couple.

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